As an athlete, you train hard, fight hard, push yourself - push yourself to the limit - to get results - but chances are, that in every competition, there are opponents who do the same.

Most elite athletes put a similar amount of work into their sporting careers in the gym and during training - and of course it's very important, you can't succeed without it. But the most important thing is: how can we get the most out of this work, how can we bring out the best of us at the important moments?

I believe that competitions are decided in the mind - everyone trains hard - and I want to help as many athletes as possible to be mentally well and therefore be able to unleash their potential.

Stresszkezelés sportolóknak

E-mail address

Phone number
Monday - Friday
9.00 – 19.00

Rózsa Pszichológiai Központ
Budapest, 1077, Rózsa st. 40/a - Ground floor 2/a - Doorbell 13

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